Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy

Policy Statement

澳门官方娱乐游戏平台认为,非法使用毒品和酒精对学院社区的健康和安全构成严重危害,并干扰教育和职业成功. 学院完全遵守1989年的无毒学校和社区法案,禁止非法持有, consumption and distribution of drugs and alcohol on college property, during classes and at activities officially sponsored by the college. Students, 教职员工不得在学院内饮用含酒精的饮料, during classes, 或与学院正式主办的活动有关,但经学院院长许可的除外.

Monroe Community College supports all federal, 州和地方有关酒精和毒品的法令,并将与执法当局充分合作,保护学生, staff and faculty of the college from the illegal possession, purchase, sale, and manufacture of controlled substances and alcohol. The college will refer offenders to the proper civil authorities. 无论法律行动是由学校还是外部机构发起的, 学院将对违反法律的行为采取纪律处分, college policy or college Conduct Regulations. 所有学生、教职员工都应熟悉并遵守校园无毒政策. 此外,所有学院的教职员工和学生雇员必须遵守 Monroe Community College Drug Free Workplace Policy.

Legal Sanctions

Laws Governing Alcohol

纽约州规定购买或持有任何含酒精饮料的最低年龄为21岁. 公共安全部或副总统办公室可提供关于违反酒精法的具体条例,包括醉酒驾驶, Human Resources. 从1990年1月1日起,州通过了一系列关于酒精的新法律. The new law included the following:

  1. 21岁以下人士被发现藏有酒,最高可被罚款50元.
  2. 任何被判以欺诈手段使用驾驶执照购买或试图购买酒精的人,其驾驶执照可能被吊销至多90天.
  3. 通过欺诈手段购买酒精的人可能面临100美元的罚款和/或被要求做最多30小时的社区服务工作.


Behavior that disrupts the educational environment, causes public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, 或不顾后果地对他人和/或财产造成危险,即使是出于酒精的动机,也违反了法律和学校的行为规范.

Controlled Substance Offenses

Criminal possession, 纽约州刑法第220条和第221条规定了毒品的销售或使用. 罪行的严重程度及定罪后的刑罚视乎持有或出售的个别毒品及数目而定,违例者最多可被判监禁15天及罚款250元至最高罚款100元,000 fine and life imprisonment for a class A felony. 重要的是要认识到,根据《新葡京平台》,赠送毒品被视为销售.



College Sanctions

除了法律制裁外,学院还将对违法行为采取纪律处分, college Policy or Conduct Regulations, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment.

Health Risks & Treatment

Health Risks

As part of the effort to create a drug-free campus, 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台认为,大学社区应该接受有关滥用药物和酒精所带来的身体和情感健康危害的教育. 世纪挑战中心全年为学生提供有关药物滥用的信息和教育项目, faculty and staff. 下面列出了一些与使用/滥用酒精和各种药物有关的健康风险. (请注意,与药物滥用有关的危险不仅限于下面列出的情况.)

Substance Known Health Risks
Alcohol Heart and liver damage; brain damage; death from overdose and accidents.
Marihuana/Hashish Impaired memory perception, interference with psychological maturation, possible damage to lungs and heart, psychological dependence.
Cocaine Intense psychological dependence, sleeplessness and anxiety, nasal passage damage, lung damage, and death from overdose.
Stimulants Loss of appetite, hallucinations, paranoia, convulsions, brain damage, cancers of the lung, throat, mouth, death from overdose.
Depressants Infection, addiction, loss of appetite, death from overdose, nausea, and has severe interaction with alcohol.
Narcotics 有严重戒断症状的毒瘾,食欲不振,过量致死.
Hallucinogens 焦虑,抑郁,记忆受损,情绪崩溃,服药过量致死.
Inhalants 体重急剧下降,脑损伤,肝脏和骨髓损伤,猝死的风险很高.


Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation

澳门官方娱乐游戏平台在咨询中心和健康服务中心拥有经验丰富、高素质的工作人员,他们可以提供信息, 向因使用或滥用毒品或酒精而产生问题的人提供秘密转诊和援助. 鼓励员工在必要时利用员工援助计划(EAP). 有关EAP的信息可在人事办公室获得.

纽约州药物滥用服务处支持和监督一个全州范围的预防和治疗项目网络. 关注药物滥用问题的人士可拨打免费电话, 1-800-522-5353 for information and assistance.